نویسنده (مترجم):Arthur Lyons
انتشارات: Butterworth
تعداد صفحات: 434 صفحه
سال انتشار: 2010
ISBN شابک: 9781856175197
عنوان انگلیسی: Materials for Architects and Builders
A necessary purchase for level 1 and 2 undergraduates studying building/ construction materials modules, Materials for Architects and Builders provides an introduction to the broad range of materials used within the construction industry and contains information pertaining to their manufacture, key physical properties, specification and uses.Construction Materials is a core module on all undergraduate and diploma construction-related courses and this established textbook is illustrated in colour throughout with many photographs and diagrams to help students understand the key principles.This new edition has been completely revised and updated to include the latest developments in materials, appropriate technologies and relevant legislation. The current concern for the ecological effects of building construction and lifetime use are reflected in the emphasis given to sustainability and recycling. An additional chapter on sustainability and governmental carbon targets reinforces this issue
#نسخه_الکترونیکی_کمک_در_کاهش_تولید_کاغذ_است. #اگر_مالک_یا_ناشر_فایل_هستید، با ثبت نام در سایت محصول را به سبدکاربری خود منتقل و درآمدفروش آن را دریافت نمایید.
تعداد مشاهده: 1983 مشاهده
فرمت محصول دانلودی:.pdf
فرمت فایل اصلی: pdf
تعداد صفحات: 435
حجم محصول:17,502 کیلوبایت