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پاورپوینت اجازه دهید 10 کتابی را به اشتراک بگذارم که وجود من را کاملا تغییر دادند و می توانند وجود شما را تغییر دهند
Let me share the 10 books that completely reshaped my existence (and could reshape yours
متن دوزبانه فارسی انگلیسی
حالت کتاب ورق زن
ازرهبری یک خانواده تا
رهبری یک سازمان
مدیریت و رهبری توسعه فردی
باهم رشد کنیم
کاش این مطالب را زود تر در مدرسه
می آموختم
تعداد اسلاید:29
As I finished, my phone rang. It was my therapist calling back.
That call saved my life. I'm grateful I didn't make a permanent decision for a temporary problem.
My transformation came through a profound realization:
You never have to kill yourself. Instead, you can kill the parts of you that you hate and reinvent yourself as someone you love.
The only way to change the world is to change yourself.
But you can't change yourself until you change how you think.
You must stop reactively thinking thoughts and become the thinker of the thought.
Nothing transforms your thinking faster than dedicated daily self-development time.
For me, reading has been the cornerstone of this transformation.
Let me share the 10 books that completely reshaped my existence (and could reshape yours):
1. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
This taught me to live by a congruent philosophy and find purpose through rational thinking.
2. The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
The ultimate "how-to" manual for life that showed me how to turn knowledge into practical philosophy.
3. The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien
It ignited my curiosity, imagination, and creativity – three elements crucial for success in almost anything.
فروش باسایت فارسفایل
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#نسخه_الکترونیکی_کمک_در_کاهش_تولید_کاغذ_است. #اگر_مالک_یا_ناشر_فایل_هستید، با ثبت نام در سایت محصول را به سبدکاربری خود منتقل و درآمدفروش آن را دریافت نمایید.
تعداد مشاهده: 174 مشاهده
فرمت محصول دانلودی:.zip
فرمت فایل اصلی: pptx
تعداد صفحات: 29
حجم محصول:6,453 کیلوبایت